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Monday, January 15, 2018

My Favorite Art Related YouTube Channels Part 1

Hello Everyone!

I thought I would write something a little different today. For the past few posts, I have been giving you reviews on various products which I have tried and currently use.

I still plan to do that as well as introduce how I create art in upcoming posts.

Today, I wanted to talk about a few of my favorite art related YouTube channels and why.

Zoe Hong

Zoe Hong is a fashion designer and teacher in the United States. She does very clear presentations and honest reviews. 

I got into watching her videos, not because i am a fashion designer. I'm not actually that into fashion as far as the mainstream of it. I enjoy creating fictional characters for stories and creating concepts for their clothing and things they use. 

I have learned a lot from Zoe Hong about color, texture, how to draw clothes as well as different ways of presenting them and a few other things I never thought about like the kind of material something is made out of and how it reacts with the movements of the person's body. 

Her videos continue to be very informative and fun to watch. Here are a few of my favorites. 

Her Fashion Fabric Design tutorial playlist:

Doodle Date

I discovered this channel I believe for the first time when I watched a video they had about drawing with pencils which they had found to be at least 100 years old. 

I really like their channel a lot. It is a good channel to watch if you want to take a break from all of the often negative and depressing things we see in the news all over the world it seems these days. 

The two people who make up Doodle Date are Adam and Steph. They enjoy doing unusual art challenges like trying to paint with grape juice or soy sauce and gathering objects from mystery boxes and using them to create art. 

They have a very unique, hilarious and happy channel together. I encourage you to check out their channel if you are looking for something inspiring and unusual to create in art. 

Please check out some of my favorites:

I hope you enjoy all of these videos and please support these artists as well by subscribing to their channels and doing whatever other ways they have to support them!

If you would like to know how you can support me, I have a list on the right hand side about how you can support this blog and what I do here,

Once again,
Thank you for reading!


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